Sunday, April 22, 2012

Weekend In Joshua Tree

A desert Southwest saying is that “water is worth killing for.” Just off the I-10 in Palm Springs green golf courses drip damp with irrigation and green lawns are rimmed with bush after bush of perfect roses, while safely out of sight to the south the Colorado delta turns to mud and fishermen caught out by low tide crawl-swim on their bellies through a half mile of muck to reach the shore.

We come to the high desert to hear the echo of the ancient earth, to feel the heat beneath the April sun, and to witness the renewal that distains our hand.

Link to Desert Flower Photo Pics

Desert Lights

In the hills
of Joshua Tree,
A rough trail
among the rocks and creosote
yields a black stink beetle

digging through the armor
of the hardened ground,
baking in mid April,

while beneath relentless sun
the blooms of flowers
shine like supernova.